Why do we use Online Scout Manager (OSM)?

Our Scout Group is entirely run by volunteers. Your Scout leaders would like to spend as much time as possible on providing an exciting programme of meetings, camps and events and minimise the amount of time spent on admin.

Online Scout Manager (OSM) is a brilliant system that greatly simplifies all the administrative tasks required to run a Scout group, including membership records, badge records, event organisation and last but not least online payments. Please help us by using this system to pay for your subs, camps and events by Direct Debit!

Making payments online by direct debit

All your payments to our Scout Group will be managed using Online Scout Manager (OSM). OSM has a parent portal where you can see all your past and future payments. To make payments online, you’ll need to set up a Direct Debit subscription which ensures all payments due are automatically made on time.

You will receive an email 3 days before each payment is taken from your bank account and the Direct Debit can be cancelled at any time. You are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

The Direct Debit payments are handled by a company called GoCardless. Setting up an account with GoCardless is very easy and should take no more than one minute. When your first payment to our group is due you will receive an email with a secure link to invite you to set up an account.

Payment schedules

You will typically see two payment schedules in OSM: one schedule for regular “Half-Termly Subs” payments and a second schedule for occasional “Events and Camps” payments. You will need to set up a Direct Debit subscription for both schedules but you only need to register with GoCardless once.

The “Half-Termly Subs” schedule will show the payment dates for our group subscription fee which is due at the start of each half term. Our subscriptions are currently £10 per month (£110 per annum) – payments are collected on the 1st of every month (except August) so 11 payments of £10.00 will be taken throughout the financial year.

The “Events and Camps” schedule will show payments for any camps and events that your child is attending. Payments on this schedule will only be added after you have signed up for the camp or event (usually via the Events area or a paper health/activity form).

For both schedules you will receive an email when new payments are added to the schedule and you will receive a further email at least 3 days before each payment is taken from your bank account.

Gift Aid

Since our Scout Group is a charity, we may be entitled to claim Gift Aid on your subscription payments, which means the Inland Revenue contributes an additional 25% on top of your payment at no extra cost to you. We use Online Scout Manager to keep track of all our Gift Aid payments.

When you make your first payment to our Scout Group you will receive an invitation to complete a simple online from to opt in or out of the Gift Aid scheme. Please help us by completing this Gift Aid form, thank you!


All Direct Debit payments are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee which means you are entitled to a full and immediate refund if there are any errors in a payment.

Payments are handled securely by GoCardless which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Your bank account details are held only by GoCardless and are never shared with Online Scout Manager or our Scout Group. GoCardless uses military grade encryption for all sensitive online communication.

Payments by cheque

Please help us by making payments by Direct Debit where possible because it enables your leaders to spend less time on admin and more time on providing an exciting programme. If you prefer not to use Direct Debit then it’s still possible to pay by cheque. Please make cheques payable to “5th Stapleford Scout Group”, write on the back of the cheque what the payment is for and hand the cheque to your section leader. Please do not make payments in cash. 

Payments by credit card or debit card

With OSM and GoCardless it is unfortunately not possible to pay with credit cards or debit cards.

The direct debit system is preferred because it is a highly secure and cost effective form of payment.

What happens if I’m unable to pay?

If you cannot pay due to change in family financial circumstances (e.g. due to Covid-19) then please speak to the Group Scout Leader (GSL – info@5thstaplefordscouts.co.uk) who may be able to offer some assistance.

What happens if I don’t pay my child’s Scouting membership fee?

Payment of the membership fee is a condition of membership of The Scout Association (which includes any Scout Group), therefore failure to pay on time, without adequate explanation, would mean that your child’s membership with the Group would be cancelled (POR rule 15.8). 

If a payment is more than 30 days overdue, you will receive an email advising you that your child’s membership of the Group has been cancelled. You will also receive an invoice for any outstanding subs, up until the day of cancellation. If they wish to re-join, they must first contact the leader and pay any outstanding amount and then join the waiting list (if any).